Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Musical Event In Preparation For This Event, I Was Somewhat

Musical Event In preparation for this event, I was somewhat versed in classical music. Many of the pieces I heard were either referenced in the text, or I have heard them before. I did not have any preconceived notion as to what the playlist would consist of before I attended the event. There were many classical tracks played throughout the event, most of which had jazz influences from the members of the Englewinds. It was all very refreshing and spontaneous, something which I did not expect from the event. There were times in the beginning when they were primarily focused on the classical era of music, but they soon mixed the music into a fusion of both classical and jazz, and eventually moved into jazz. Since both classical and jazz†¦show more content†¦The first half of the classical era focused on simple and decorative music, while the second half witnessed the rise of thematic development, which focused on manipulating melodies for the intellectual enjoyment of explorin g the possibilities inherent in a tune (Chiego, 2014, pg 11). This was evident in some of the pieces played throughout the concert. Some of the most notable composers for this time were Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz schubert. Jazz is dated back to the early twentieth century in America. It incorporates ragtime, blues, repeating chord progressions and improvisation (Chiego, 2014, pg 139). There are many different subgenres of Jazz, from New Orleans, to Chicago Style, to Big Band or Swing (Chiego, 2014, pg139-141). The musical performance I viewed was at the Shea Center at William Paterson University. The performance was called â€Å"Englewinds’ BEES, PLEASE!†. It was a very clean auditorium and the atmosphere was filled with a suppressed excitement. As I took my seat, it was only a matter of time before the music started. The attire of the performers was also casual, but in a uniform sense. The announcer came on stage and welcomed everyone, and soon after, the Englewinds came out and played various classical pieces using various woodwinds, brasswinds, and a percussion instrument. This event was played with all woodwinds, brasswinds, and a percussionShow MoreRelatedJola Initiation Ritual Essay5690 Words   |  23 PagesAfrican continent. In seeking to understand this subject we are made aware of the changing textures of time and space and the beauty of physical universe existence, as well as the challenge of continental mapping and composite humanity. 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